Tuesday 16 December 2014

Ragwort is now on medication for his heart murmer

This is ragwort waiting to have his heart scan. We found that he has a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is a condition where his heart walls become thickened.

We have started ragwort on some medications and hope he will do very well.

This is a picture of Ragwort's scan

Friday 28 November 2014

Ragwort has a heart murmur

Here are Thistle (Paler Norwegian Forest ) Twiglet and  Ragwort (Darker Norwegian Forest).

They all came in to see Sarah at  Larkmead Sutton Courtenay 's cat clinic on Thursday. 

We found that Ragwort has a heart murmur so he is going to have a heart scan in 2 weeks to find out if there are any problems. 

We'll keep you posted.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

K2 looking cosy in the Larkmead Benson cattery

This is K2 a very elderly Burmese cat who is a regular at the Benson cat clinic. 

A few weeks ago she was very poorly and came in to the hospital for some fluid therapy and TLC. 

Here she is looking very cosy in the cattery. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Burmese kittens at Benson

These lovely Burmese kittens came into our Benson cat clinic. 

They had a check over and their second vaccine ready to go to their new homes next week.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Very sad news about Tess but a warm welcome to Jess

Unfortunately, Tess is no longer with us. 

She was doing really well and enjoying the return of her eyesight, but then developed a nasty infectious arthritis. She was put to sleep last Monday. W

We know her mum and dad will miss her loads. 

This is her 'sister' Jess. She was spayed on Monday and is recovering well.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hops likes having Barley at the Wallingford Benson Cat Clinic for moral support

This is Barley and Hops. 

They came into Benson Cat Clinic for their annual health check and vaccinations a few weeks ago. 

Hops (lying down) is quite anxious at the vets, he was happier having Barley with him for moral support.

Barley was very brave and had already explored the consulting room before this picture was taken. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Tess can see again!

We are delighted to say that after treatment at the Larkmead Cat Clinic Tess can now see again.

Tess getting her blood pressure checked.

Friday 5 September 2014

Karen's cat Chandler pops into Sutton Courtenay for his booster

Chandler, who belongs to Didcot and Sutton Courtenay receptionist Karen, came to Sutton Courtenay 's cat clinic for a booster today. We checked him over and thought that he just looked a little bit under the weather. 

This is him getting his blood pressure checked which was normal. 
We have taken a urine sample and have sent it to the lab to check that he doesn't have an infection that could be making him a bit look a bit worse for wear.  

We will keep you posted on his progress.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Tess is regaining her eyesight

Tess is due for a check-up next week, but her owner came in today to collect more tablets and said that she thinks she has regained her eyesight.  

We will give you a full update after her check-up next week, but there are encouraging signs so far!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Spot Likes The Consulting Room Sink!

This is Spot. He came in to Benson to see vet Susie for his annual health check and vaccination. 

Here he is making himself comfortable in the consulting room sink!

Prior to this he had also checked out the top of the cupboards. 

He came in with his sister Poppy but she was too busy exploring to stay still long enough to have her picture taken.

Monday 18 August 2014

Trying to help Tess get her eyesight back

This is Tess. She is a 16 year,7 month  old moggy who for the last few days has been bumping into things. 

As you can see she had very dilated eyes. 

The vet examined her and found that she was blind. This was caused by high blood pressure. We measured tess' blood pressure and it was 210mmhg (normal is under 140mmhg).  We started Tess on blood pressure pills and we hope she will begin to get her eyesight back.  We will keep you posted on how she is doing.

Thursday 14 August 2014

19 year old Louis, a real character, visits the Benson Cat Clinic to be treated for kidney problems

Louis belongs to one of our Benson receptionists Karen.
Louis is over 19 years old and Karen has had him since a tiny kitten when she hand reared him. 
He is a real character. 

Since he has become elderly he has developed a few problems and he is currently on treatment for kidney problems. Louis also has seizures from time to time and suffers from arthritis. 

Despite this we are managing to keep Louis very comfortable and happy on treatment and we monitor him closely to make sure he still has a good quality of life. 

When he is due his checks ups he comes to the Benson Cat Clinic because although he lives with dogs as part of the family,  he prefers not to meet other dogs when at the vets. 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Didcot Client Lynne Wolfe talks about the Sutton Courtenay Cat Clinic

One of Larkmead Didcot's clients, Lynne Wolfe talks about the difference it has made to her cats coming to the Sutton Courtenay Cat Clinic.


Friday 25 July 2014

Mister had his thyroidectomy today.

Here is a picture of Mister's goitre (enlarged thyroid gland) before the op. 

He did really well and has recovered well so far. 

Nurse Hannah giving lots of cuddles!

Thursday 24 July 2014

Mischief gets some Treatment and TLC from Vet Susie

Mischief is a lovely chap who was rehomed from the Blue Cross in Lewknor in April. He had a very bad ear mite infection and needed lots of treatment and regular check ups. 

Because he had recently been rehomed he was quite anxious and he wasn't keen on having his medicine either! 

He got used to coming to see us at the Benson surgery and now is very relaxed as you can see from his picture. 

This is him at his last check up. Now his ears are all better he is a much happier cat.

Monday 21 July 2014

Mister is Hyperthyroid and due for an operation

Here is Mister. He is the hyperthyroid cat who was  diagnosed a few weeks ago. 

Mister is doing a lot better and has gained some weight. He is also a lot more active and jumping about more after starting his pain relief. 

He is booked in for his Thyroidectomy this Thursday. We will see how he does and keep you posted.

Willow Enjoys the Fuss and Cuddles at the Cat Clinic

This is Willow.  Vet Sarah gave her a second vaccination and microchip and her owner signed her up to the Larkmead Practice Plan.

Willow was very well behaved and enjoyed all the fuss and cuddles we gave her at the Sutton Courtenay Cat Clinic.

Friday 18 July 2014

Smudge After Her Dental

This is smudge 4 days after her dental. She may be toothless now,but she is eating really well and is much happier.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Smudge Having Her Dental

Smudge the 13 year old diabetic had her dental yesterday. The first 2 pictures are of her sore teeth. She has re-absorptive lesions in both these teeth. These are very painful so smudge will be a lot happier now they are gone.

This is smudge recovering after her general anaesthetic. She ate almost immediately and recovered very quickly.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Badger who hated coming to the vets

This is Badger.  She is 15 years old and has always hated coming to the vets. She used to get very aggressive so it was impossible to examine her.

For the last few years she has been seeing Susie at the Benson cat clinic. She is now much more relaxed and allows a good examination and treatment to be given. 

She sometimes swears a little bit but mostly she seems to quite like her vet visits now.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Smudge who is diabetic, has been visiting Larkmead's Sutton Courtenay Cat Clinic

This is smudge. She is a diabetic cat who has been visiting the Sutton Courtney cat clinic for many years. She has had her ups and downs,including suffering from hyperthyroidism a couple of years ago which was treated with surgery.

Today she visited for a check up, but she has lost some weight recently and has a reduced appetite.  Her diabetes is under control, but when Sarah examined her mouth she found that 2 of smudge's remaining 3 teeth had neck lesions or cavities.  These can be very painful and are most likely why smudge is not eating as much as before.

We have booked smudge in for an  anaesthetic to remove her sore teeth on Monday. We will keep you posted as to how she gets along.

Friday 4 July 2014

Khan who visits Sutton Courtenay to be treated for Chronic Rhinitis

This is Khan, a 10mth old Bengal. He has visited the Sutton Courtenay cat clinic a couple of times. 

Khan has a condition called Chronic Rhinitis which means he sneezes a lot. He was just a little under the weather so came in for some treatment.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Baggins, a young Devon Rex cat who was rehomed last December.

This is Baggins, he is a young Devon Rex cat who was rehomed last December. When he first went to his new owners he was very scared, stopped eating and had a very bad skin condition.  

At Larkmead Benson Cat Clinic vet Susie worked together with his new owner to make
him better. He prefers to come to the cat clinic for his check ups as he feels safer. He is now much bolder and getting to be a bit cheeky when he comes to the vets.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

This  is Pepper, a 1 0 year old cat who is originally from Quebec, Canada. 

He came to the Sutton Courtenay Cat Clinic for his 6 month check up.

Monday 23 June 2014

Meet Tiggy

Meet Tiggy. 

She was seen at the Larkmead Benson Cat Clinic because she had bad diarrhoea and was losing weight. A blood test helped us to diagnose an over active thyroid gland. 

Tiggy was started on tablets to get her thyroid levels back to normal. She then came into our Cholsey surgery to have an operation to remove the affected thyroid gland. 

This is her a month after the operation checking out her weight gain on the scales! She is doing really well and the diarrhoea has cleared up.

Monday 16 June 2014

20 year old Bill regularly visits the Larkmead cat clinic at Benson

This is Bill. He is nearly 20 years old (95 in human years). He was diagnosed with kidney problems in 2010 and since then has been on treatments to support his kidneys. He also has high blood pressure and has a daily pill to bring his blood pressure down. He comes to the Benson cat clinic once a month for a check over and a pep up injection. He doesn't love coming to the vets but he prefers the cat clinic because it is quieter and vet Susie knows him very well now. 

Thursday 12 June 2014

A Thank You to Sarah from David for looking after Eva

Dear Larkmead

A week ago today, Thursday 29th May, I brought Eva into your cat Sutton Courtney surgery at short notice.  Having owned our cat for four years without illness, I was very worried when she became unresponsive with sickness. 

 After treatment Eva was somewhat “happy” that evening and ate two or three meals!  She did slow down again over the weekend and it took until Tuesday or Wednesday, but we would now say has fully recovered to her usual mischievous self. 

My sincere thanks to Sarah for help and skills last week. 

Kind regards,

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Mister Relaxing at Sutton Courtney

This is Mister relaxing at the Sutton Courtenay cat clinic.  He came to visit the cat clinic suffering from weight loss, hyperactivity and lameness. Vet Sarah checked Mister over and recommended a blood test to see if he is suffering from hyperthyroidism. Mister was very calm and was really good for his blood sample.  Mister was also diagnosed with arthritis in his hips and front legs.  He was started on a pain killing medication to help him get around more easily.   It is not uncommon for older cats to develop arthritis, this can be a very painful condition and as cats are not often lame with arthritis it can be overlooked.

Mister has now been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. He has started treatment.  We'll keep you up to date with his progress.