Friday 25 July 2014

Mister had his thyroidectomy today.

Here is a picture of Mister's goitre (enlarged thyroid gland) before the op. 

He did really well and has recovered well so far. 

Nurse Hannah giving lots of cuddles!

Thursday 24 July 2014

Mischief gets some Treatment and TLC from Vet Susie

Mischief is a lovely chap who was rehomed from the Blue Cross in Lewknor in April. He had a very bad ear mite infection and needed lots of treatment and regular check ups. 

Because he had recently been rehomed he was quite anxious and he wasn't keen on having his medicine either! 

He got used to coming to see us at the Benson surgery and now is very relaxed as you can see from his picture. 

This is him at his last check up. Now his ears are all better he is a much happier cat.

Monday 21 July 2014

Mister is Hyperthyroid and due for an operation

Here is Mister. He is the hyperthyroid cat who was  diagnosed a few weeks ago. 

Mister is doing a lot better and has gained some weight. He is also a lot more active and jumping about more after starting his pain relief. 

He is booked in for his Thyroidectomy this Thursday. We will see how he does and keep you posted.

Willow Enjoys the Fuss and Cuddles at the Cat Clinic

This is Willow.  Vet Sarah gave her a second vaccination and microchip and her owner signed her up to the Larkmead Practice Plan.

Willow was very well behaved and enjoyed all the fuss and cuddles we gave her at the Sutton Courtenay Cat Clinic.

Friday 18 July 2014

Smudge After Her Dental

This is smudge 4 days after her dental. She may be toothless now,but she is eating really well and is much happier.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Smudge Having Her Dental

Smudge the 13 year old diabetic had her dental yesterday. The first 2 pictures are of her sore teeth. She has re-absorptive lesions in both these teeth. These are very painful so smudge will be a lot happier now they are gone.

This is smudge recovering after her general anaesthetic. She ate almost immediately and recovered very quickly.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Badger who hated coming to the vets

This is Badger.  She is 15 years old and has always hated coming to the vets. She used to get very aggressive so it was impossible to examine her.

For the last few years she has been seeing Susie at the Benson cat clinic. She is now much more relaxed and allows a good examination and treatment to be given. 

She sometimes swears a little bit but mostly she seems to quite like her vet visits now.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Smudge who is diabetic, has been visiting Larkmead's Sutton Courtenay Cat Clinic

This is smudge. She is a diabetic cat who has been visiting the Sutton Courtney cat clinic for many years. She has had her ups and downs,including suffering from hyperthyroidism a couple of years ago which was treated with surgery.

Today she visited for a check up, but she has lost some weight recently and has a reduced appetite.  Her diabetes is under control, but when Sarah examined her mouth she found that 2 of smudge's remaining 3 teeth had neck lesions or cavities.  These can be very painful and are most likely why smudge is not eating as much as before.

We have booked smudge in for an  anaesthetic to remove her sore teeth on Monday. We will keep you posted as to how she gets along.

Friday 4 July 2014

Khan who visits Sutton Courtenay to be treated for Chronic Rhinitis

This is Khan, a 10mth old Bengal. He has visited the Sutton Courtenay cat clinic a couple of times. 

Khan has a condition called Chronic Rhinitis which means he sneezes a lot. He was just a little under the weather so came in for some treatment.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Baggins, a young Devon Rex cat who was rehomed last December.

This is Baggins, he is a young Devon Rex cat who was rehomed last December. When he first went to his new owners he was very scared, stopped eating and had a very bad skin condition.  

At Larkmead Benson Cat Clinic vet Susie worked together with his new owner to make
him better. He prefers to come to the cat clinic for his check ups as he feels safer. He is now much bolder and getting to be a bit cheeky when he comes to the vets.